Monday, July 2, 2012

Trans-D Tropin - Increasing HGH Naturally

The Future of Growth Hormone

By Amy Barber

For decades, scientists have tried to create a product for those who suffer from Growth Hormone (GH) deficiency. Animal GH, cadaver GH, and now, synthetic GH, have been the staple for those who wish to grow.

However, despite the various medications and injections, there is still an issue: taking in GH that's not naturally produced could have unwanted side effects on the body including diabetes, carpal tunnel, and hypertension, all of which stem from the production of something called insulin growth-like factor (IGF).

With synthetic GH, one will grow, but will also produce higher levels of IGF which is chemically identical to insulin and cortisol. When IGF increases too much, the body begins to act negatively, producing these unwanted side effects.

Fortunately, scientists have recently created a product that can increase HGH naturally and build muscle mass to the same degree as synthetic HGH. This is called Trans-D-Tropin.

How Does it Work?

In the brain, the walnut-sized pituitary gland controls the rate and level of how humans grow with a hormone called Human Growth Hormone. From puberty onward, GH is periodically sent throughout the body to tell tissue, bones, organs, and muscles to build and repair thus causing growth.

For people who find themselves extremely frail or short, the most probable reason is that their bodies are not producing enough GH. Usually, doctors would prescribe a synthetic HGH injection that would help build muscle mass, but although chemically the same, synthetic HGH contains side effects not present in natural GH.

What Does Trans-D-Tropin Offer?

Instead of receiving synthetic GH, Trans-D-Tropin is a treatment that helps increase HGH naturally by stimulating the pituitary to "get back on track." Trans-D-Tropin does not make your body grow directly. Instead, it tells your brain that you need to grow more. Not only that, but HGH therapy is normally limited to children entering puberty.

Now, Trans-D-Tropin allows individuals who suffer with growth deficiency to enjoy the benefits of being healthier, and stronger without the frustrating side effects.

So What Are the Benefits?

Trans-D-Tropin offers the same benefits as injecting HGH without the nasty side effects.

These include:

-Healthier and youthful skin tone
-Decreased levels of stress and self-consciousness
-Increased strength and stamina -Faster recovery and healing time
-Decreased fat and better body contour
-Increase in lean (muscle) body mass
-and much more!

So, before going straight to synthesized GH, why not try Trans-D-Tropin; the natural way to grow?

Article Source:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Trans D Tropin is a PEPTIDE

Trans D Tropin will help any man or any woman or any higher mammal produce growth hormone the same way that that man or woman or mammal did when it was younger.

Trans D Tropin is
* NOT a drug,
* NOT a vitamin,
* NOT an herb,
* NOT a hormone.

Trans D Tropin is a PEPTIDE. What's a peptide?

Peptides are collections of various amino acids that stimulate the body of any man, any woman or any mammal to produce the natural hormones and compounds that a body needs to do various things. When we're younger this all happens easily, naturally, effortlessly.

But as we age, this process slows down.

So Trans D Tropin is a peptide, and peptides are collections of various amino acids. Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of proteins.
More than one amino acid combines to make a peptide, more than one peptide combines to make a polypeptide, and more than one polypeptide combines to make a protein. Trans d Tropin is a peptide, part of a chain that makes up a protein.

Fans of The Twilight Zone may remember an episode about an old man who would stop people on the street and give them something odd. When the people would ask him what it was for, the old timer would say, "It’s what you need."

The old timer gave one man a pair of scissors, and because this man was in a hurry when the old timer stopped him, he just put the scissors in his suit coat pocket and hurried to catch an elevator. When his tie got caught in the elevator doors, he used the scissors to cut his tie before he strangled.

This is kind of how the new miracle, anti-aging remedy, Trans D Tropin, works for people who use it. Trans D Tropin (e-book) gives them what they need, and it requires NO DIETING and NO EXERCISING.

[The link above will take you to a detailed, Free Special Report/E-Book titled "Is Aging a Preventable Disease," and any links further on for this Free Special Report/E-Book will be labeled "(free e-book)". This Special Report/E-Book is written by Dr. Rashid Buttar, patent holder on Trans D Tropin, and his medical personnel.]

You got arthritis? Trans D Tropin can help you with that.

You got diabetes? Trans D Tropin can help you with that, too.

* Is your sex drive becoming nothing but a memory?
* Chronic pain?
* Heart trouble?
* Liver problems?
* Can't lose weight?
* Kidney trouble?
* Cancer?
* Is your eyesight getting worse and worse?
* Problems with circulation?
* Parkinson's?
* Can't sleep?
* Have to get up to use the bathroom 3 or 4 times a night?
* Do your wounds NOT heal like they did when you were younger?
* Are your shoulders starting to droop forward?
* Does it seem like you never have any energy anymore?

How to STOP AGING, Recapture your Sexual Energy, and MAKE LIFE GREAT AGAIN,

Trans D Tropin is an Anti-Aging, Youth-Renewing Remedy that works without dieting and without exercising and makes life great again. Aging is a natural process. Here's how to fight it the easy, natural way. Here's how to

REVERSE THE AGING PROCESS ITSELF and bring back sexual energy you thought was gone forever.

A bold claim, I know, but that's exactly what the evidence is showing. See for yourself.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Trans D Tropin

Trans-D Tropin is an analogue of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) that stimulates the pituitary to produce and release more of our own HGH. In other words, it stimulates our own body’s production of Human Growth Hormone in a pulsatile manner at every application time during the day.

These are transdermal amino acids that are needed for you to produce YOUR OWN. With hormones, the key is ALWAYS something to enable you to get your own glands working.

What are some of the Benefits of Trans-D Tropin®?

Doctors and Patients report the following:

Reduced duration of sleep with improved quality and more restful sleep due to increased REM sleep
Decrease in wrinkles and redundant (loose,saggy) skin with improved facial and body contour
Faster healing and quicker recovery after physical exertion, acute injuries, and after surgical procedures
Decreased body fat with improved body contour
Increase in lean body (muscle) mass
An improved and youthful appearance
Increase in physical strength and performance
Decreased recovery time after athletic events
Improved stamina and endurance
Increased desire for protein and water
Reduction in chronic pain from old injuries
Decrease in anxiety, stress and depression
Decrease in occurrence of general illness
Improved and strengthened immune system
Renewed interest in sex with increase in libido.
Enhanced sexual performance and ability
Improved overall health with a significant increase in general sense of well-being

Why Use Trans-D Tropin®?

For the Best Possible Quality of Life!

Trans-D Tropin® is the only treatment shown to increase endogenous Human Growth Hormone (hGH your own body creates), while consistently decreasing IGF levels.

IGF s are related to increased cellular proliferation, suppression of apoptosis and increased cancer risk. -Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol 92, No. 18, Sept. 20, 2000

Insulin and cortisol (pro-inflammatory molecules) are associated with accelerated aging. Trans-D Tropin® has been shown in multiple clinical trials to rapidly and consistently decrease the levels of both these pro-inflammatory aging substances.

Perhaps not everyone wants to live beyond 100 years of age, but all of us would like to have the best possible quality of life, for as long as we do live.

Reduce the effects of aging

Improve your athletic performance

If these are your goals, then Trans-D Tropin® is your Only Effective, Natural Choice

Trans D Tropin PDF files:
[PDF] Trans-D Tropin® Study
[PDF] Trans-D Tropinо
[PDF] Human Growth Hormone and Using Trans-D Tropin
[PDF] Trans-D Tropin Clinical Study
[PDF] Preliminary results for the Trans-D Tropin study{
[PDF] Trans-D Tropin®
[PDF] Andropause

Trans-D Tropin Protocols:
Free EBook Offer
DVD Online for Free Page

Science of TDT

Trans-D Tropin® has been available since 1999 through select physican offices. For those who take a proactive interest in their health, we are proud to introduce, Trans-D Tropin-I® directly through this website.

Trans-D Tropin DVD
9 Steps DVD
Dr. Buttar's Free Medical Secrets Audio Series

Trans-D Tropin